Saturday, November 18, 2006

Wei-Hwa's Puzzle Challenge Number 26

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Mini Kakuro 4:
Since so many users had problems with the puzzle rendering last week, I've decided to keep them here this week, with 12 more puzzles added for those of you who managed to make them work.

Place the given digits into the grid so that no digit appears more than once in any "word" and that the sum of the digits in the word match the indicated sum. For example, a three-digit 8 might be "152", or "215", or "431".

How to Play.
Drag letters from the "palette" on the left into the grid to place them. You'll know you've solved it when all the sums turn green. Click on a cell to get a keyboard-sensitive cursor. You can click on "Shrink" to make the grid smaller (for those of you with small screens).

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