There was a cryptography documentary on breaking the
WW2 Enigma Code and I joked about solving puzzle 2 with code. I went snooping into the puzzle code only to find out that the answers were embedded into the code (I did some AJAX projects mid last year and realized that the answers were not pulled from a remote server).
AHA! I turned puzzle 2 into a puzzle and set out solving this simple encryption using PERL. In about 2 minutes, I figured out how to answer puzzle 2 using PERL code (Using my knowledge of
T9 text prediction). :)
Decryption How-To:
After looking at the code, here is the
ALL IMPORTANT! Decryption key map (Sorry, do not know the correct definition - pair wise?):
Decryption Key Map (DKM):Decrypted: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Encrypted: nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklm
Note: a is n - n is a, b is o - o is b, c is p - p is c, etc.Wei-Hwa's Code (Find under following comments in his code:Clean other symbols: // We filter out any input that isn't a letter.Decryption map: // build a map. (Not very efficient to do this every time, but what the heck.)Answers: // should probably be a map, but I'm lazy.Answer List:- qnhtugreynhtugre
- srpnyqrpny
- sernxoernx
- travnyqravny
- trahfzrahf
- tebffpebff
- yntrejntre
- arhgreferhgref
- cbfgntrubfgntr
- ubfgntrcbfgntr
- gbhpurfqbhpurf
- ivfpbhagqvfpbhag
- lbhatreybhatre
PERL CODE (Only 3 lines! Actually 2 lines if I did not care about lower case.): (Download code:
my ( $encryptedWord ) = lc( $decryptedAnswer );
$encryptedWord =~ tr/a-z/nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklm/;
print "Decrypted Answer: $encryptedWord\n\n";
#Anyone want to fix this regex for me? How do you represent n-z and a-m in one line?
Execute Code: (Separate encrypted answers with space)
$ perl qnhtugreynhtugre srpnyqrpny sernxoernx travnyqravny trahfzrahf tebffpebff yntrejntre arhgreferhgref cbfgntrubfgntr ubfgntrcbfgntr gbhpurfqbhpurf ivfpbhagqvfpbhag lbhatreybhatre
Output:You entered 13 encrypted answer(s) to decrypt.
Encrypted Answer: qnhtugreynhtugre
Decrypted Answer: daughterlaughter
Encrypted Answer: srpnyqrpny
Decrypted Answer: fecaldecal
Encrypted Answer: sernxoernx
Decrypted Answer: freakbreak
Encrypted Answer: travnyqravny
Decrypted Answer: genialdenial
Encrypted Answer: trahfzrahf
Decrypted Answer: genusmenus
Encrypted Answer: tebffpebff
Decrypted Answer: grosscross
Encrypted Answer: yntrejntre
Decrypted Answer: lagerwager
Encrypted Answer: arhgreferhgref
Decrypted Answer: neutersreuters
Encrypted Answer: cbfgntrubfgntr
Decrypted Answer: postagehostage
Encrypted Answer: ubfgntrcbfgntr
Decrypted Answer: hostagepostage
Encrypted Answer: gbhpurfqbhpurf
Decrypted Answer: touchesdouches
Encrypted Answer: ivfpbhagqvfpbhag
Decrypted Answer: viscountdiscount
Encrypted Answer: lbhatreybhatre
Decrypted Answer: youngerlounger
Cool! Must be the Mountain View air. Contact me if you have any questions.
vjbaqrevsjrvujnernqfguvfoybt. qbrfnalbarjnaggbuverncebqhpgznantre
Come back for my puzzles 101 series tomorrow. :)